ear's health, music, earphones

While plugging in to your favorite music or podcast can be an easy way to escape the hustle and bustle of your daily life and keep you entertained for hours on end, using your headphones and cranking up the volume can be damaging to your ear's health. So, how do you protect your ear's and how do you choose the best earphones that can help you avoid this problem? Here are some things you need to know.

The Dangers of Listening to Loud Music

According to a report published by Hear the World, a global initiative that aims to raise awareness on hearing problems, about 85% of the 4,400 people they surveyed around the world admitted that they usually play their MP3 players at more than 50% of the total volume. If you listen to your MP3 at this level, you are actually blasting about 104 decibels right into your ears. And this can lead to some serious troubles since any noise above 90 decibels can cause long-term damage to your hearing.    

You may not be aware of it but exposure to noise can have a profound effect on both your physical and emotional wellbeing. Aside from making you more vulnerable to hearing problems such as tinnitus and permanent hearing loss, it can also elevate your blood pressure and increase your risk for heart attacks and strokes. It can likewise lead to aggressive behavior and affect your personal interactions with other people.

Reduce Your Risks of Hearing Loss

Considering the serious risks involved in listening to loud music, here are some tips that can help you reduce the damaging effects of using your favorite music player.

•  Follow the 60/60 rule. To avoid any hearing problems, try to keep your volume at 60% and don't use your earphones for more than 60 minutes at any one time.

•  Give it some rest. Give your ears a 10 minute break for every hour that you use your earphone.

•  Watch your diet. Did you know that a good diet can actually improve the blood supply to your inner ear? So, get into the habit of eating antioxidant-rich foods and you'll enjoy better ear health for years to come!

•  Kick the habit. Studies show that smoking can negatively affect the blood supply to your inner ear and make you more susceptible to hearing loss.

•  Use good quality earphones. If you want to enjoy your music and significantly reduce your risks of hearing loss, then you definitely need to choose the best earphones money can buy. One product that comes highly recommended is the earHero earphone. Unlike traditional earphones that allow sound pressure to build up inside your ears, the earHero earphone is designed to fit snugly into your ears without fully blocking it.

The earHero earphones can help you enjoy your favorite music without the risk of damaging your ear health in the process. So, visit the earHero online store and grab yourself a pair of these top quality earphones.

Image By: .m for matthijs

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