bass earphonesYou may not be aware of it but high bass sounds can be just as destructive to your ear’s health as high and mid frequency sounds. High bass frequencies tend to go unnoticed since our ears are less sensitive to such sounds but its effects are just about the same as compared to higher frequency sounds. Taking this into consideration, you may need to take some special precautions when using high bass earphones (or any kind of earphone) to prevent noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).

Some Worthwhile Tips in Protecting Your Ear Health

Keep your audio well below 85 decibels. Generally speaking, all sounds louder than 85 decibels can be damaging to your ears while sounds louder than 120 decibels is enough to trigger physical pain. To give you an idea, the sound of New York traffic and a running vacuum cleaner is about 85 decibels. Adjust your listening preference to suit this criterion and you will definitely do your ears a lot of good.

Observe the 60/60 rule. To prevent noise-induced hearing loss, do not crank up your audio to more than 60% of the volume and make it a habit to give your ears a 10 minute break for every hour that you have been using your earphones. So, if you will be using your earphones for more than an hour, then consider turning down your volume settings.

Use good quality bass earphones. Using good quality bass earphones can also help prevent hearing loss and other related hearing problems so you may want to consider using earHero earphones from now on. EarHero earphones are designed to fit snugly into your ear canals without fully blocking them. As a result, you can enjoy good quality audio without increasing the sound pressure inside your ears. Will this lower your risk of encountering ear problems? You bet it will!

Don’t you think it’s time for you to grab yourself a pair of earHero earphones? If you want to enjoy your music without compromising your hearing, then head on to the earHero online store and buy one. It’s the best thing you can do for your ears.

Image By: RJ

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