running earphones, earphones for running, best running earphonesRunners are often torn between the desire to listen to music when they are hitting the road, and the need to be aware of their surroundings. Publications like Runner’s World often recommend not using headphones at all, especially while running on the street, because having music blasting in your ears will block out the sound of things that runners need to be aware of, such as cars, animals, and other people. If you can’t hear these things then you can’t react to them. At the same time, running, especially for long periods of time, can get very dull and monotonous without music. Luckily, earHero fixes this problem for runners, because they can both comfortably listen to music and still hear what is going on around them. That is why earHero is considered the best running earphones.

Listen Up

EarHero uses a smaller, less obtrusive speaker, that doesn’t shut out the outside world. The experience is similar to listening to music while at a store: you can clearly hear the music that is playing, but it is in the background, which allows you to hear everything that is going on in your immediate vicinity. For runners, situational awareness is imperative for a safe run and earHero allows them to retain this situational awareness while still listening to their favorite tunes. This makes earHero the superior running earphones.

The Marathon Advantage

For runners who go for longer, marathon length runs, earHero has the advantage of being a more comfortable option than regular earphones. That is because earHero does not completely fill up the ear canal, being a smaller device that sits inside the ear. This means that runners who are using earHero don’t suffer from ear fatigue after two or more hours of straight running.

If you are a runner who uses earHero, then we would love to hear from you! Please let us know what you think of them in the comments below. Or, if you are thinking to going with earHero as your running earphones, then check out the earHero online store.

Image By: Ed Yourdon

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